We will partner with members, supporters and other industry partners to develop and deliver our projects and work.
Industry Advisory Committees will be established to steward our key industry plans and projects, working together to ensure we are focussing on the most impactful projects for our sectors.
Larger forums will be held each year, bringing together key stakeholders across four groups:
- Industry Leaders: to explore directions for our industries and discuss the potential impacts for workforce and workforce development. This provides a future-focused lens to jobs and skills and reinforces industry leadership of our plans and work.
- Education providers: to provide feedback regarding our qualifications, development opportunities and any issues they have identified as part of delivery and assessment.
- Small & Regional Service Providers: to address the specific needs of small and regional enterprises and service delivery organisations.
- Students: to hear from students currently undertaking qualifications that prepare them for future work in our industries.
If you or your organisation are interested in participating in one or more of the advisory committees when they are formed, please join the HumanAbility Partners Program to keep up to date with opportunities to apply. Pass the word to colleagues and contacts across our sectors as we are keen to ensure the widest and best possible range of voices are heard.